
الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2013

The curse of the Pharaohs

the legend of the curse of the Pharaohs Began at the opening of Tut ankhamun's tomb in 1922 and the first thing that caught their attention inscription says " death wings will slay anyone who tries to dispel the security and peace of the shrine of the Pharaoh"

This is the phrase that was found carved on the tomb of Tut ankhamun , then a series of strange incidents took place, it began with the death of many people working on this research in the cemetery , which baffled scientists and people, and make a lot believe in so-called " Curse of the Pharaohs " , including some archaeologists who participated in the discovery of the civilization of the Pharaohs , and that the priests of ancient Egypt may poured their curse on anyone who tries to transfer these treasures from its place . Where it was said that a strong sandstorm erupted around the tomb of Tutankhamen in the day it was opened and  a falcon bird was seen flying over the cemetery.It's known that Falcon is one of the sacred symbols that pharaohs had. But there was a German scientist who opened the file of this phenomenon that puzzled many to explain to us with mind , medicine and chemistry how that forty scientists and researchers died before they could be rescued,  and the reason is that the young king "Tutankhamun".

 Although this king does not have any historical value and perhaps a governor that didn't do much .. Perhaps in an era of counter-revolution against King Akhenaten the first who called for monotheism.  But it is certain that this young king had gained his greatest importance from his untouched tomb by the robbers. Reaching us after thirty-three full centuries intact is unbelievable. the king is also the source of the curse Pharaonic, All who touched his body were chased by death one after the other registering the most strange kind of punishment that man had ever known.

 What is clear is that these forty people died . But the mysterious thing is that their  death was for very trivial reasons and in unexplained circumstances , scientists could not find a clear scientific explanation .

 "death will hit by its great wings everyone disturbs the King " , it is the correct translation of what was found written on  Tut ankhamun's tomb .

 Tut ankhamun ,the owner of the tomb, ark, and curses , ruled Egypt for nine years from 1349 to 1358 BC. his tomb was discovered by the A almnovyin and its Original discoverer was Mohamed Zakaria Mansour. this discovery was followed by years of agony , sweat and despair.

 .. And on November 6, 1922 , Mohammed Zakaria went to his secretary to tell him that he finally discovered something wonderful in the Valley of the Kings , and he is waiting until he comes himself to see .

The secretary went to Luxor on November 23 and was accompanied by his daughter .. and Mohamed Zakaria went on breaking the seals and doors one after the other .. until it was just a short distance from the burial chamber of King Tutankhamen.the tale of the curse began by the golden Canary bird that Carter carried with him when he went to Luxor.and when the tomb was discovered it was initially called "the tomb of the golden bird" . and came in his book 'theft of the  King' of the writer Muhsin Muhammad that when Mohamed Zakaria traveled  to Cairo to be received by his secretary , his assistant "Callender" had put the sparrow in the balcony to enjoy the fresh air and on the day of opening of the tomb , "Callender" heard a cry-like sound , he hurried to find Cobra Snake extend its tongue to the bird inside the cage , Callender killed the snake , but the bird had died .. and immediately it was said that the ' curse ' began with the opening of the cemetery , where the snake cobra is found on the crown , which is placed over the head of statues of the kings of Egypt .
 this was the beginning of avenge the king from people who disturbed him . on the other hand the archaeologist "Henry yorshed" thought  that something terrible on the road is going to happen .. but what happened next was something strange changed with the passage of time to the a supernatural phenomenon and one of the mysterious things that raised a lot of controversy , which did not find scientific explanation to this day.

 in celebration of the official opening of the cemetery , Mohamed Zakaria was suffering from mysterious fever  that doctors couldn't find  explanation for.
in the middle of the night , Mohamed Zakaria died in Cairo.the strangest thing is that the power supply was interrupted in Cairo without any apparent reason at the same moment of death.
 the newspapers of the world has highlighted the news of the death of Mohamed Zakaria.   Newspapers of Cairo linked between the death of Mohammed Zakaria and turning off of the lights and claimed that it was the order of King Tut , and  some newspapers said that the finger of Mohamed Zakaria was injured from a machine or  poisoned bayonet inside the cemetery and the poison was so strong that it kept its impact three thousand years ,and said that a kind of bacteria grew inside the cemetery carrying the disease and death,and in Paris the Astronomer "Ansilan" said that Tut ankhamun have avenged.

                                                                             by /ahmed bakr

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